The installation of the kinetic object with the title "Illumination" (350×350 cm) was performed for Star Summer house hall, Prague, Czech republic. The exhibition marking 100 years anniversary of the birth of poet Vladimír Holan was held in the Museum of the Czech Literature from June 29 to October 31, 2005.



  • The text regarding the exhibition in Star Summer house



    The exhibition "Interspaces" in Gallery Montanelli, Nerudova 13, Prague 1, Czech republic, was held from September 15 to October 27, 2005.




    1. "Double chance" - green and "Under surface" - red; /110×110 cm/ - green; /200×200 cm/ - red; kinetic object, mechanical motion

    2. "Hidden images" (2001–2005) /220×220 cm/; kinetic object, elektronic motion, computer record of motion

    3. "Under Surface" - yellow /200×200 cm/ a "Hidden images" (2001–2005) /220×220 cm/; yellow - kinetic object, mechanical motion

    4. "Codes" /85×60 cm/ kinetic object, printed contacts, light mechanical motion

    5. "Talk to me" /70×70 cm/ digital photography, light indicator of sound and "Interspaces" /50×50 cm/ kinetic object and 3×digital photography /70×70 cm/ from action Interspaces

    6. "Hidden images" (2001–2005) visual record of mirrors mechanical motion programmed by computer



  • The text regarding the exhibition Jiri Machalicky